Saturday, November 6, 2010

Title Tags: Another Important Element Of SEO

Title tags are important elements in SEO tags for any website. The value of your title tags are enhanced when your keywords are placed in the beginning of the title tag. There is a limit to the number of characters used and allowed by search engines for title tags and its length should not be more than 60-65 characters. Although there are some search engines that allow fewer or more characters in a title.

Your title tags are searched by crawlers and spiders and serves as the main source in establishing what your web page is all about. Search engine spiders would examine your title tag and the words you used are then construed to be the topic of the page. This is the main reason why it is important to use your keywords in your page title and place them as close to the beginning of the title as much as possible. SERP's will show the text you include in your title tags as the linked title for searchers to click and be able to get to your site.

If for example, the topic of your site is about "retirement funding" and your target keywords are "retirement funding" and "retirement income", then a possible and highly relevant page title you can use on your text for title tag may go along the lines of "Retirement Funding Options to Increase Income". This is the most relevant topic of your site. When search engines crawl your site, the first thing it will encounter is the title tag. Your site will then be examined as well as the keywords you used on your site to establish how relevant the title is to the content of your site.

This is basically why it is essential to make use of the most significant keywords in your title tag. You may use as many as 20 keywords on your website but target at least two or three most important ones you can use on your title tag.

Additionally, building a unique title for every page in your site is also one vital element you need to consider when using title tags in your website design. Your title should be as descriptive as possible and remember to use the most effective keywords for your page. It is what will appear in the reverse title bar or tab title of your web browser.

When creating your title tags, you need to observe using the best title tags that contain targeted keywords, help enhance the brand of your site, and title should be to the point and interesting. More often than not, the text included between the opening and closing title tags also translates into the linked text that is shown in search engine rankings. This will either improve your visitor traffic or may cause searchers to choose a different search result.


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